Upcycled Planted T's, tumblers, sticker - and a coupon


T-shirts/mugs/sticker $25

In thinking about how best to merge our love of the planet with our desire to have Planted t-s, we spent some time thrift shopping and found some really nice cotton and cotton blend t’s, washed them really well and sent them off to Bad Knees T-s for logo-lift (check out our cute logo in the pic). Now they are ready for you to take home and wear, or gift to your favorite Planted fan.

We are also tossing in one of our tumblers, a sticker and a cool idea…

Every time you come to the truck wearing your Planted t, we will consider your t-shirt to be a coupon and you will get $1 off your order (orders do have to be over $10 and you can only use the coupon once per day). At the same time, bring in your mug and fill up on our chocolate elixir or our ginger hibiscus lemonade or a kombucha float and get $1 off your drink (really you can get this deal with any clean reusable cup you have, but now you have a spare).

So, if you ever wanted to be not just an advertisement through a logo t but also a walking coupon, now is your chance 🙃

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Because these t’s have been thrift shopped they are a variety of styles and colors. Most are earthy colors but we have some brighter colors and a few tie-dyes in the mix. If you have a color preference please send an email to plantedbloomington@gmail.com but also please be patient and flexible if we can’t meet your color preference. Thank you!